Hint: They aren’t biblical.
When God made gender, He made a man and a woman. And he called his creation ‘very good’.
We long to know who we are, what we were made for, where we fit. And the stress of trying to find your place and identity in an ever-shifting story is enormous. One of the biggest shifts in the last decade is the way culture is reshaping the story of identity and gender. But what does the Bible have to say about it?
People ask me all the time, ’How are your kids?’ and I don’t know how to answer that.
To fight sin, we must believe the gospel and rely on the Spirit to help us grow in maturity.
The life-altering trauma of abuse doesn’t disappear overnight.
The task of leadership will only be sustained by the glory of God and the joy found in Him, especially in areas of poverty.
Why don’t we admonish or challenge people when we know we should, or even when we know it would be good for them?
It’s important for preachers to hold out the infinite riches of God to their hearers.
Before writing off the idea of submission, make sure you know what it is (and isn’t).