While it may still be a while before churches gather again in Scotland, there are still things that can be done now to prepare.
While it may still be a while before churches gather again in Scotland, there are still things that can be done now to prepare.
O Love, that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in Thee; I give Thee back the life I owe, That in Thine ocean depths its flow May richer, fuller be. O Light, that followest all my way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That […]
‘Reach Out’ is a song my wife and I have written together. We’ve both been playing music for years, and while we’ve been involved in writing music before with bands, this is the first song we’ve written as a couple. I primarily play guitar, and Cara sings. We started writing this song years ago, and […]
Over the past few months, myself and a small team have been working on writing, rehearsing, recording, and shooting five music videos which will all be available to view on the 20schemes YouTube channel soon. The five songs consist of three brand new songs written by believers from our local scheme churches, as well as […]
I wrote ‘This Is Grace’ after realising that for the past few months, I’ve been going around encouraging believers in our churches to write their own songs and hadn’t until now written one myself. This blog is a detailed line by line self-analysis of my lyrics for ‘This Is Grace’. Please follow @20schemesmusic on Twitter […]
Music/singing is a unique and fundamental part of corporate worship. Unique in its distinction as the mutual and participatory act of worship. Set apart from the reading of the Bible, praying, and the preaching of God’s Word by its unifying nature, where the entire church joins together with one voice to sing praises to God. […]
There is a growing sense of unease when I visit many American churches. Call it something I can’t quite discern gnawing away at me. I noticed it a while back, and it has only really become more and more apparent as my experience of American Christianity has broadened. Here’s the thing. American Christians, by and […]