Hint: They aren’t biblical.
Even the smallest of words used in the wrong way can set an inferno of pain that can cause utter destruction.
So instead of praying “Here I am, send me” from Isaiah 6:8, I prayed “There they are, send them”.
It’s vital that we help people to see that the gospel of Jesus, especially the resurrection, tells us that our bodies matter. They are important.
We all have a tongue, and no matter who we are, we all struggle to control it at times.
It seemed as if the more I wanted to distance myself from my old life, the more the church kept me at arms-length for anything else.
In a fallen world, everything is impacted by sin, including our bodies, our minds, and our sense of identity.
In this book, McLaughlin covers a range of topics that are huge questions in our modern world, especially for teenagers.
It turns out that there really is a great cost to following Jesus.
In Jesus, God invites us to enjoy once again what we were made to enjoy, to be who we were made to be.
A quarter of a century ago, I was shivering in the cold outside Victoria Train Station in London. I was high. I was hungry. I was scared. I was so very angry at the world.