Perfection is not the prerequisite for correcting a brother or sister.
Perfection is not the prerequisite for correcting a brother or sister.
Many people say that the Bible is completely irrelevant. Let’s look at two reasons why they are wrong.
Some people scoff at the authority of the Bible. Think twice before you do.
New movements, gimmicks, and programs will not bring revival to cold, lifeless places.
Erik Raymond is the senior pastor of Emmaus Bible Church in Omaha, Nebraska and has a blog, The Ordinary Pastor, on The Gospel Coalition. “. . . there’s also the value of the books and the resources that come with the conference. So one thing that would be great for publishers or authors, or anybody […]
The Good Book Company are on a real roll with this new series of mini books they have recently been publishing. They are new, fresh, well written, and supremely engaging. This new one entitled: ‘Can I Really Trust The Bible?’ is the absolute cream of the crop. Here’s what I wrote for their blurb. This […]
So this takes the prize as the first book I read on my recent holiday. There is no particular reason it worked out that way. I merely woke up, reached out and picked up the first book from the pile on my bedside cabinet and it turned out to be this bad boy. With a […]
Our Youth leader is making a series of videos for young people in the scheme who have little to no idea about biblical Christianity. Here is their first offering. The young lady in the clip is my eldest daughter, Keziah.
When we look at the NT, and the book of Acts in particular, we see that the gospel spread and the church grew through the proclamation and teaching of the ‘Word of God’ (Acts 6:7; 12:24; 19:20). That, surely, must be the basis for any and all ministry in our congregations—we must be ‘Word based’. […]