Hint: They aren’t biblical.
The glory of God shapes a leader’s character by creating a humble heart.
I don’t know why they are suffering. I don’t know why the Lord is allowing this to go on. I don’t know how best to speak into their situation.
Thankfully, I don’t have to!
The leader’s motivation is extremely important.
To be a Mum is to unconditionally love, care for, nurture, train, discipline and teach your child/children. This is a life long task.
Leaders cannot be a blessing unless they are dependent on the Blessed one.
How couples deal with their conflict tells me how they’re going to deal with their ministry
Comparison is a pointless and soul destroying task, yet we still give into the temptation repeatedly.
Most planters are fine with getting facts and figures off the internet, and spouting them to anybody who will listen, in an effort to look like they know what they’re doing.
True freedom is not the liberty to do as you please but the power to do what you were meant to do and to be who you were meant to be.
We do it because 20 years ago, an older couple in church broke with their entire worldview and comfortable life and allowed me into their home.