‘No refuge, no safety in self could I see—Jehovah Tsidkenu my Saviour must be.’
‘No refuge, no safety in self could I see—Jehovah Tsidkenu my Saviour must be.’
Here is another of our new believers recently being baptised in Niddrie. We are encouraged to see men and women of all ages coming to faith in Christ in the schemes.
We have had a number of amazing conversion stories in Niddrie in recent months. None more so than the story of Tracy & Steven, childhood sweethearts who had been through the wars in almost 27 years together. Her partner Steven was a mess. Cheating on her, in and out of rehab, selling and taking drugs, […]
By proclaiming the full, transformative gospel, of course. Listen to Charlene’s story below.
I first got introduced to the scariest moustache in the world about two years ago through the work of CCEF. So, I thought I would take the time to review one of Paul Tripp’s most popular books, seeing as it is standard reading for those working within Niddrie and for 20schemes. I have to say […]
Very often, I am asked what my ‘position’ is on social justice and/or mercy ministry and the gospel. Usually, I will feign a quizzical look before asking said person, ‘what do you mean by that?’ Generally, what they mean to ask is how I balance ‘loving people and providing for their needs over and against […]
This is a snapshot of my own story. 20 years ago, I was living in a bus shelter, cold and hungry. I was lying to my family, my friends and myself. I had hit rock bottom and couldn't see any way out. I write this thankful to God for the great changes in my life. […]