While it may still be a while before churches gather again in Scotland, there are still things that can be done now to prepare.
Sol Fenne is the Music Coordinator at 20schemes. You can find out more about and give to 20schemes Music here or follow them on their social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
While it may still be a while before churches gather again in Scotland, there are still things that can be done now to prepare.
‘As this virus takes its toll, Christ is King. He is in complete control, trust in Him.’
‘When the voice of folly speaks, with her charm and vanity, though seductive her deceit, give us hearts that run to Thee.’
‘Live at the Weekender’ is an album that captured a genuine evening of sincere and unperformed worship to God.
In Christ, we stand before the eternal and holy God, not as condemned sinners, but justified children.
Jesus ‘lived to die’ and ‘died to rise’. He is ‘the all-sufficient sacrifice’.
“Through Your church Lord bring your gospel to the schemes of this dear land.”
Christmas is about God coming to rescue helpless sinners.
God’s enemies will tremble at Christ’s second coming, but His people will rejoice.
God’s gracious rescue shines bright against the dark backdrop of man’s rebellion.