Below you will find the download link for the chord sheet, lead sheet and Word document of the lyrics for Voices.
Verse 1
All authority above
And on earth belongs to Him
Fount of wisdom, truth and love
Christ our refuge from our sin
Verse 2
As we walk this narrow way
Speak O Lord with clarity
We are prone to go astray
Give us hearts that cling to Thee.
Give us wisdom, understanding
Give us hearts of reverent fear
In our weakness walk beside
In Your mercy, draw us near.
Verse 3
When the voice of folly speaks
With her charm and vanity
Though seductive her deceit
Give us hearts that run to Thee
Verse 4
Hear the voice of wisdom speak
In her calm and purity
Welcome simple hearts that seek
Life eternal found In Thee
Give us wisdom, understanding
Make the danger clear to see
Mute the voices of this world
Guide our wandering hearts to Thee
Verse 5
When the tempters voice is strong
Raise our eyes to Calvary
Now the chains that bound are gone
Hallelujah! Praise to Thee!
You are Worthy! You are worthy!
You have won the victory!
In our weakness walk beside
Now our souls find rest in Thee.
‘Voices’ words & music by Sol Fenne. ©2022 20schemes Music. All rights reserved. #hymnsinhardplaces CCLI#7148729