Below you will find the download link for the chord sheet, lead sheet and Word document of the lyrics for Psalm 77.
Verse 1
I cried aloud to God for help;
I prayed that God would hear.
When I was plunged in deep distress,
I sought the Lord in prayer.
Verse 2
At night I stretched untiring hands,
Relief my soul refused.
Rememb’ring you, O God, I groaned
With longing as I mused.
Verse 3
In my distress I could not speak;
From sleep you kept my eye.
I thought about the former days,
The years which have gone by.
Verse 4
Throughout the watches of the night
My songs I called to mind.
I pondered deeply, while my heart
An answer tried to find:
Verse 5
“For ever will the Lord reject
And never show his grace?
Has he withdrawn his steadfast love
And turned from me His face?
Verse 6
“For all time has his promise failed?
Is God no longer kind?
Has he in his great wrath dismissed
Compassion from his mind?”
Verse 7
Then to my heart there came this thought:
“On this I will rely—
The years of the right hand of power
Of him who is Most High.”
Verse 8
I will recall the LORD’s great deeds—
your works of long ago.
I’ll meditate on all your acts;
your mighty deeds I’ll show.
Verse 9
O God, most holy are your ways.
What god compares with you?
You are the God of miracles,
whose power the nations view.