Below you will find the download link for the chord sheet, lead sheet and Word document of the lyrics for Praise His Name.
Praise the Lord! Oh praise His name
He came from glory to bear my shame
My Saviour carried my sins away
And now I live to praise His name
I was poor, then Jesus saved me
Now Christ my treasure, I will proclaim
Though I may live here in poverty
I have a home waiting for me
I was lost, but Jesus found me
I am a sinner, I went astray
But in His mercy, He called to me
And now I’m safe and now I’m free
Praise the Lord! Oh praise His name
He came from glory to bear my shame
My Saviour carried my sins away
And now I live to praise His name
I have peace and satisfaction
I’d always longed for, but never found
No earthly passion or worldly gain
Can now compare to Heaven’s claim
Let His church, declare His glory
Let His gospel spread like a flame
Til all our neighbours and family
Have heard His call and been set free.
Praise the Lord! Oh praise His name
He came from glory to bear my shame
My Saviour carried my sins away
And now I live to praise His name.
‘Praise His Name’ words & music by Sol Fenne. ©2022 20schemes Music. All rights reserved. #hymnsinhardplaces CCLI#7189145