April 6, 2022

Come Weary Souls


Below you will find the download link for the chord sheet, lead sheet and Word document of the lyrics for Take Heart.


Verse 1         

Come, weary souls with sin distressed,
Come, and accept the promised rest;
The Saviours gracious call obey,
Cast your anxious fears away.

Verse 2

Burdened by guilt, weighed down with shame,
Come to the cross where Christ was slain
Divine compassion, mighty love
All your heavy load remove


There is no more guilt,
There is no more shame
Come like a child, believe and abide
Find rest in the Saviours name
Find rest in the Saviours name

Verse 3

Here mercy’s boundless ocean flows
To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes;
Pardon from sin, and endless peace—
Rich the gift! How free the grace!

Verse 4

Lord, we accept with thankful heart,
The hope Your gracious word imparts;
We come with trembling, yet rejoice,
Hear Your gentle lowly voice.


There is no more guilt,
There is no more shame
Come like a child, believe and abide
Find rest in the Saviours name
Find rest in the Saviours name

Verse 5

Dear Saviour, let Your pow’rful love
Strengthen our faith, our fears remove,
Gloriously reign in every breath
Guide us to eternal rest


There is no more guilt,
There is no more shame
Come like a child, believe and abide
Find rest in the Saviours name
Find rest in the Saviours name

‘Come Weary Souls’ Original hymn by Anne Steele (1717-1778). Alternative lyrics, chorus and music by Carlie Fenne. ©2022 20schemes Music. All rights reserved. www.20schemes.com #hymnsinhardplaces CCLI#7189147

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