December 12, 2014

Tips for Church Planting in the Schemes: Communication

A good planter and revitaliser will have to be a first-rate communicator. They must be able to explain their vision, excite and stimulate people, and incentivise them to join his team. A good leader will need to communicate the following in the early days:

  • Explain the gospel
  • Explain what healthy church should look like
  • Explain doctrinal beliefs
  • Explain the role of a healthy church member
  • Explain how the group will engage the community
  • Explain the discipleship process for new believers
  • Explain the long-term strategy for engaging social issues
  • Study the Bible together
  • Discuss your plans for the future
  • Pray
  • Hang out and have the craic (really important—this is gold in the schemes where humour has a high premium)
  • Hold one another spiritually accountable
  • Encourage one another
  • Settle any conflicts
  • Show them what biblical hospitality looks like

Don’t be all business and formal. People aren’t looking to be saved into a business meeting once a week. Work at being dynamic and spontaneous (planned spontaneity I call it). Liking one another and being in community together are fundamentally important, however you work it out in your context. Real community is a powerful tool on the schemes. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34–35)

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