An article on the BBC website caught my eye recently.
“London’s New Housing Loses The “Dirty Word”
Apparently new homes being built in London are now being renamed, ‘neighbourhoods’ instead of‘estates’, because the powers that be feel that the latter has a pejorative association. Indeed, according to the report, which you can read here, the word ‘estate’ is being airbrushed out of common use.
Professor Loretta Lees from King’s College London’s geography department says, “The word ‘estate’ has become synonymous with the term ‘ghetto’. It’s become a dirty word. Back in the ’20s and ’30s it didn’t carry the same stigma.”
What is almost laughable about this whole thing is that those behind this social engineering think that the gentrification and re-marketing of poor areas is somehow going to relieve the underlying human, social, and mental issues. As I’ve written before, gentrification is a good force as much as it is a destructive one in housing schemes. But, as we witness in Niddrie daily, new homes and pretty name changes do not suddenly make new people. There is only one power capable of doing that at grassroots level. For real, lasting change to take effect in our communities, people need a change of allegiance to King Jesus.