To cultivate true, biblical contentment, we must look beyond our circumstances.
Sharon Dickens is the Director of Women's Ministry at 20schemes.
To cultivate true, biblical contentment, we must look beyond our circumstances.
Ultimately, discontentment is directed at God, not our circumstances.
Godly, biblically literate, faithful women who serve in the church for the long haul.
When seeking to build natural, genuine friendships with people, consider these three things.
Theological point scoring does little good for vulnerable women in the world’s poorest communities.
In caring for the fatherless, we can’t overstate the importance of the local church.
Titus is to set an example for the flock. Paul says the same to Timothy when he writes to him as well (1 Tim. 4:12). Paul consistently taught this to young pastors specifically, but I think we can apply it to ourselves too. Be an example to others. God is interested in how we live […]
This is the first of a 2-part post on accountability. Accountability is a word that can conjure up different emotions. Some people are scared of it; they think that another person is going to be prying into their lives and might not like what they find. Some people think it’s great; why wouldn’t you want […]
This post was written by Sharon Dickens, 20schemes Director of Women’s Ministry. This is part 2 of a 2-part blog series on the issue of wisdom and counselling written by Sharon Dickens (20schemes director of women’s ministry). In the first part of Dumb Yet Dumber, we were thinking about who is the source of our […]
I sat in a meeting talking about how we might be able to help women in hard places do women’s ministry. The thing is, I’m sitting there thinking, This is crazy! What have we got to say? What can we do? We don’t have anything to offer. What if they ask questions we don’t know […]