The best kind of mercy ministry is a healthy local church.
Mez McConnell is the senior pastor of Niddrie Community Church and director of 20schemes. He is the author of numerous books, including The Creaking on the Stairs: Finding Faith in God Through Childhood Abuse (Christian Focus) and Is There Anybody Out There?: A Journey from Despair to Hope (Christian Focus). He's married to Miriam and has two daughters. You can follow him on Twitter.
Is our culture redeemable and should the church be engaged in this so-called cultural redemption?
Scotland’s national unemployment rate (pre-COVID) was 4.5%. In the schemes, it’s anywhere from 25–30%.
We can be wonderfully hospitable in myriad ways but, sooner or later, people must face up to the full gospel of Jesus Christ.
Victims of abuse need to know that God is good and undeniably for us. Penal substitution assures us He is both.
Genesis 22 does have application for us today. But we must be careful not to misapply this text.
There are two things in life guaranteed to make both liberals and atheists mad.
Many come to the inner-city all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Then reality hits.