Do movement leaders, para-church leaders and theological institutions have the courage to call a moratorium on outreach into council estates and housing schemes?
Mez McConnell is the senior pastor of Niddrie Community Church and director of 20schemes. He is the author of numerous books, including The Creaking on the Stairs: Finding Faith in God Through Childhood Abuse (Christian Focus) and Is There Anybody Out There?: A Journey from Despair to Hope (Christian Focus). He's married to Miriam and has two daughters. You can follow him on Twitter.
Do movement leaders, para-church leaders and theological institutions have the courage to call a moratorium on outreach into council estates and housing schemes?
Scotland’s schemes certainly have been—for decades now.
It seemed as if the more I wanted to distance myself from my old life, the more the church kept me at arms-length for anything else.
It turns out that there really is a great cost to following Jesus.
A quarter of a century ago, I was shivering in the cold outside Victoria Train Station in London. I was high. I was hungry. I was scared. I was so very angry at the world.
How couples deal with their conflict tells me how they’re going to deal with their ministry
Most planters are fine with getting facts and figures off the internet, and spouting them to anybody who will listen, in an effort to look like they know what they’re doing.
We do it because 20 years ago, an older couple in church broke with their entire worldview and comfortable life and allowed me into their home.
The government has it wrong when it comes to our drugs problem. It is not just a social issue. It is a spiritual one.