Far too many churches are like sheep pens with gates wide open, allowing wolves to enter unnoticed in order to entrap and savage our weakest sheep.
Matthew Spandler-Davison is pastor of Redeemer Fellowship in Bardstown, Kentucky and executive director of 20schemes. He's married to Tracy and they have two daughters. You can follow him on Twitter.
Far too many churches are like sheep pens with gates wide open, allowing wolves to enter unnoticed in order to entrap and savage our weakest sheep.
Jesus has designed the church to be a place of healing, safety, hope, and light.
As Christians, we must never turn a blind eye to injustice, no matter where it’s found.
Most church-planting resources are written for those planting in big, ‘strategic’ cities. Is it any wonder, then, that so few churches are being planted and supported in the world’s poorest communities?
20schemes Equip is a new website that exists to resource churches in the world’s poorest communities. I (Ben Hansen) asked Mez McConnell and Matthew Spandler-Davison about the history of 20schemes, what kind of content we’ve released to this point, and what we hope this new site will achieve. When was 20schemes started? Matthew: We launched […]
Ministry that does not have disciple making as the goal is anything but merciful. There is much good work done in the name of mercy by churches and Christians that might very well be good, helpful, and generous but, when considered in the light of God's mercy, they come up short. Mercy is the act of […]
As I think about my friendship with Mez McConnell and the developing partnership between our two churches that has led to the launch of 20schemes, I am reminded that gospel partnerships are God-honoring unions that bear much good fruit! Mez and I come from two diametrically opposed backgrounds. Apart from geography and grace, there is […]