20schemes is a cross-denominational ministry. Our concern is to revitalise/plant gospel-centred churches. I have said elsewhere that our intention is to plant Baptist churches (if we have to). However, we are happy to partner with any and all who can agree to our statement of faith (see website). That is why we are seeking to recruit in Baptist, Presbyterian, and Independent church circles. We want God to be glorified again in schemes all over our country. And there are many struggling pastors, individuals, and congregations out there who agree with us.
Niddrie Community Church, which oversees the work, is an independent, Reformed, evangelical congregation. Our practice is adult baptism. The debate over children and adults is currently defunct in housing schemes. Very few people are getting baptised as believers in these places. There are no adults being saved and, therefore, there are no children of believers either. The first generation of converts will all have to be confessing believers. The situation is grave. We are going back to first generation Christianity. They need the gospel, and we need to see gospel-centred churches resurrected or started. Baptism, in any form, just isn’t even on the horizon. Are we naive? Maybe. But, we’re desperate. So, we’re just concentrating on bringing the message of light and life to Scotland’s deadest and darkest areas. Let’s see a new generation of believers grapple with these issues.