
May 8, 2019
Must We Pay Poor Pastors Poorly?

The following article was written by Gustav Pritchard. He is an elder at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Johannesburg, South Africa. Electricity is not always in constant, predictable supply here in South Africa. Even in the major cities, we face power failures for parts of the day, sometimes for days on end. Sadly, it is far […]

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August 4, 2020
Why Community Living Sucks and What We Can Do About It

Team dynamics are always a battleground in Christian ministry.

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March 6, 2020
Pastoring Those Who Had Absent Fathers

The hope my brother displayed every time he saw a car pass reminded me of the anticipation I was trying to suppress.

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March 22, 2013
6 Key Principles for Church Planting in Urban Areas

Although this is a website dedicated to housing scheme ministry in Scotland, I want to highlight a video from America today. Here is a short video from Dhati Lewis, from the Rebuild Network, interviewing some Christian brothers about urban church planting in their context. Obviously, our situation is completely different in Scotland, but there are […]

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November 29, 2019
What Kind of Women Do Our Poorest Communities Need?

Godly, biblically literate, faithful women who serve in the church for the long haul.

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November 18, 2020
‘This is Grace’—Symphonic (Inspired by Psalm 150)

The gospel is a narrative of how the Holy God lavishes His grace on us. And that’s worth singing about.

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March 4, 2020
Why I Wrote the Song ‘Resting Place’

‘Sing songs of my God, He is full of grace. My rock, my refuge, He is my resting place’

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February 23, 2021
Why Mercy Ministries Don’t Work

Hint: They aren’t biblical.

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August 24, 2021
Why You Shouldn’t Apply to 20schemes Unless Your Marriage is Broken

How couples deal with their conflict tells me how they’re going to deal with their ministry

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November 18, 2019
‘A Horse Called Elvis’: How Being a Police Officer Prepared Me for Ministry

On the path to ministry, my time in the police was no detour.

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